Registering a company in Nepal under the Companies Act, 2063 involves several steps and requirements. Here's an overview of the process: 1. **Choose a Business Structure:** 
Decide on the type of company structure you want to register, such as a Private Limited Company or a Public Limited Company.  
2. **Company Name Reservation:** Check the availability of your chosen company name and reserve it with the Department of Industry (DoI). This step is crucial as your proposed name should comply with the regulations outlined in the Companies Act. 
3. **Memorandum and Articles of Association:** Prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association for your company. These documents outline the company's objectives, rules, and regulations. 
4. **Directors and Shareholders:** Identify the directors and shareholders of the company. You'll need their personal details, including citizenship certificates and photographs. 
5. **Authorized Capital:** Determine the authorized capital of your company. The minimum authorized capital requirement may vary depending on the type of company. 
6. **Registered Office:** Provide the registered office address of your company. This should be a physical location within Nepal. 
7. **Apply for PAN (Permanent Account Number):** Register for a PAN with the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) for your company. This is necessary for tax purposes. 
8. **Submit Documents:** Compile all the required documents, including the application form, Memorandum and Articles of Association, company name reservation certificate, PAN certificate, and other necessary documents. 
9. **Payment of Fees:** Pay the required registration fees to the DoI as per the fee structure specified in the Companies Act. 
10. **File Application:** Submit the application for company registration to the DoI. Ensure that all documents are properly filled out and signed.
11. **Review and Approval:** The DoI will review your application, and if everything is in order, they will issue a Certificate of Incorporation. 
12. **Company Seal:** After receiving the Certificate of Incorporation, you can proceed to obtain the company seal, which is necessary for official documents and contracts. 
13. **Compliance and Reporting:** Comply with all statutory requirements, such as filing annual reports and financial statements with the relevant authorities.
For More information 
Advocate Bikash Jung Karki 

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